
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Time for an Oil Change

My Ford Expedition warns me when I need an oil change.  It gives me early warnings, then it tells me when I MUST change the oil.  I admit that I like that feature very much!

Recently, I learned about a site called "Motor Oil Matters" that includes a ton of great information.  I admit, Bo takes care of a lot of our car issues, but I am not helpless.  I liked the fact that the site includes an informative checklist -- which was useful last week when I had my oil changed in my truck.

One of the things I never thought about was the viscosity of the oil!  For the first time ever, in response to reading through the checklist, I looked into the owner's manual to find out what was recommended.  This time when I went to have the oil changed, I knew more about what to ask.  In the past, I just hoped they would take care of me.  Thanks to the information on the site, I knew I could take care of myself!

I felt more empowered and prepared when I took my Expedition in for an oil change.  You can, too, if you visit Motor Oil Matters!

*Disclosure: I received a gift card to get my oil changed and the information about oil changes from  No additional compensation was provided.*