
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review: Built to Amaze -- Another Fun Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Show!

Last night's Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's show, Built to Amaze, was downright amazing.  I loved the construction costumes the dancers wore and thought the traffic cone stilt walkers were fantastic.

All of the Ringling shows start with a pre-access show that runs an hour before showtime. Everyone can go down onto the arena floor and interact with performers.  At least 2 performers are doing a mini-act at any time and there are opportunities to have your picture taken with clowns and even try on some costumes!  It's always very popular, and last night was no exception.

Once the show started (right on time!  I love it when things happen on time!) it was exciting and fun.  One thing that always amazes me is how they are experts at distraction.  You are always so engrossed in the performing act, that you don't notice them setting up for the next act in the darkness.

All 3 of my kids had a good time, as well as me and hubby.  We always choose our favorite acts in the car ride home.  This year, Lydia loved the act with the trained poodles and the lead clowns.  Nate enjoyed the Steel Vortex the most during this show. (2 large steel wheels that peformers spin around and climb in and out of!)  Colin said that he liked the trampoline act the most.  Bo loved the high wire act. My favorite act were the gymnasts that swung from long ribbons hanging from the ceiling.  And, I couldn't help thinking of a friend when one performer was shot from a cannon across the arena! Even though we all can choose our "favorite" act, it just reminds us of the other amazing acts we saw and it's hard to choose just one!

The show is in Phoenix through the weekend at US Airways Center.  Tickets can be found at Ticketmaster.  Even if you've been to a show in the past, you'll be amazed with the new acts and performers.  I highly recommend going!!

*Disclosure: I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.*

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