
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tell Me Thursday - hands

This is a very difficult "Tell Me Thursday" post to write. This picture is my hand in my father's hand, taken sometime last week. It's also the lock screen on my phone.

He spent the last couple weeks under hospice care, and left this world late Monday night.  He battled long and hard, but finally reached a point where he couldn't fight anymore.

My Dad loved his family above all else.  His love for my mom began in high school and continued unwavering for 48 years. She was the light of his eye, and his constant companion.  He was her protector.  My Dad was a romantic - always writing her love poems and notes, and showering her with jewelry.  Their example of commitment and love started me well in my own marriage.

He adored his children. I remember one year that he was on a business trip that was during my birthday, and he made a special effort to return the night of my birthday.  I also remember him leaving little gifts on my desk when we worked in the same government office early in my career.

We never hung up the phone, or walked out the door, without saying " I love you! "  There is no doubt that I was well-loved by my father.  And that love was multiplied for my sister and my brother.  When I would be out with him, he would regale pretty much anybody who would listen to stories about his 3 children (and his 3 grandchildren as well!)

There's a million more stories I could tell. It's tough right now.

My sister and I were with him, each holding one of his hands and telling him how much we loved him in his last moments.  I held his hand in the last couple months more than I had in the last couple decades. I wish I had held them more often. You never know when the last time may be.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Melanie. I am so sorry.
