
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tell Me Thursday -- Greystoke

Greystoke is the beautiful cat in this picture, who was rescued by my sister this week. But this picture really isn't about the cat. It's about the beautiful woman who is my sister, who has held my heart from the moment my mom brought her home from the hospital.

A person couldn't dream of a better sister -- loving, caring, not afraid to tell me when I'm unreasonable, and able to make me laugh until my sides hurt or I spit out my drink.

And my kids couldn't have a better aunt -- fun, loving, adventurous, kind, dependable, and always ready to listen.

My life is so much richer with her in it. And her kitties are lucky to spoiled by her, too!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

50% Off Tickets for Disney on Ice Treasure Trove in Phoenix

Disney on Ice's show Treasure Trove, will be in Phoenix from April 11 - 14, 2013.  You know how much we love Disney on Ice, and I am super excited to tell you about this fabulous opportunity to get 50% off the cost of tickets for the Phoenix shows.

On Friday, March 22, 2013 (ONLY), if you bring a new school supply to the US Airways Center, you will be able to purchase tickets at an amazing 50% discount!!  All school supplies collected will be donated to Children First Academy, a local school for homeless children.  The deal begins on March 22 at 12:00PM and ends at 1:30PM.  Tickets are limited to 50 tickets per show, and only 4 tickets per person. (not valid on VIP seating)

Once the limited number of Treasure Trove Deal tickets are sold out on Friday 3/22, fans with school supply donations will still be able to purchase until April 11th at a $5.00 off discount rate (excluding VIP and front row seats). The ticket promotion lasts until April 11th at 7pm.


Thursday, April 11 7:00PM
Friday, April 12 10:30AM & 7:00PM
Saturday, April 13 11:30AM, 3:30PM & 7:00PM
Sunday, April 14 1:00PM + Spanish Language Performance at 4:30PM

For more information, visit or visit us on Facebook and YouTube.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tell Me Thursday - hands

This is a very difficult "Tell Me Thursday" post to write. This picture is my hand in my father's hand, taken sometime last week. It's also the lock screen on my phone.

He spent the last couple weeks under hospice care, and left this world late Monday night.  He battled long and hard, but finally reached a point where he couldn't fight anymore.

My Dad loved his family above all else.  His love for my mom began in high school and continued unwavering for 48 years. She was the light of his eye, and his constant companion.  He was her protector.  My Dad was a romantic - always writing her love poems and notes, and showering her with jewelry.  Their example of commitment and love started me well in my own marriage.

He adored his children. I remember one year that he was on a business trip that was during my birthday, and he made a special effort to return the night of my birthday.  I also remember him leaving little gifts on my desk when we worked in the same government office early in my career.

We never hung up the phone, or walked out the door, without saying " I love you! "  There is no doubt that I was well-loved by my father.  And that love was multiplied for my sister and my brother.  When I would be out with him, he would regale pretty much anybody who would listen to stories about his 3 children (and his 3 grandchildren as well!)

There's a million more stories I could tell. It's tough right now.

My sister and I were with him, each holding one of his hands and telling him how much we loved him in his last moments.  I held his hand in the last couple months more than I had in the last couple decades. I wish I had held them more often. You never know when the last time may be.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Review: CalmAid Lavendar Capsules

If you read my last post, you know that I've been under some stress lately.  I was sent a box of CalmAid (lavendar oil capsules) recently to try.  They are made by Nature's Way, a company that also makes Sambucus (an elderberry syrup we keep on hand all the time to help shorten colds) and also the Valerian Root capsules that I have used in the past to help me sleep.  So, I feel pretty confident in their products.

The lavendar capsules are meant to be taken once a day, to help reduce tension and stress.  I know that the scent of lavendar is calming, but I hadn't known that the oil could be ingested for the same effects.  When I know I am facing an especially stressful day, I have taken one in the morning and it seems to help me feel less stress.

The capsules have been tested in clinical studies, but they have not been evaluated by the FDA.  If you take any prescription medicines, always check with your physician before adding any supplements.

You can find them online, and also at local retailers.  Check out the Nature's Way website for more details.

*Disclosure: I received a box of CalmAid to facilitate this review.  No additional compensation was provided. All opinions are my own.*

Tough few months

Some of you may remember back in November when I mentioned that Nate had a mysterious illness that affected his ability to walk.  He had 2  hospitalizations, one which culminated in sending him home in a wheelchair.  He is so much better than he was (plans to return to altar serving and soccer next week!) but he's yet to be 100%.  We're still visiting specialists and trying to make sure he doesn't have a relapse.

And, then, there have been my kidneys.  I had another attack in November, followed by another in December, then a doozy in January that knocked me flat for a few weeks.  It's so difficult because I have no warning, and then I'm down.  It's frustrating for the company I contract with, since I have had to cancel at the  last minute a few classes now and it's hard to replace me at the last minute.  I'm slowly returning to teaching, but . . .

My dad, who has been sick for quite a while, has recently taken a turn for the worse. A little over a week ago, a decision was made to accept hospice care in his home.  My mom is an amazing caregiver, but he requires 24/7 care these days and so I've been doing what I can to support them both.

There's more to each of those stories, but it explains why I've been missing in action mostly these days.  Because, of course, there's more to life than just what I've posted, but those things have probably taken up the bulk of my time and effort.  If you've been wondering where I am, though -- now you know!