
Friday, November 02, 2012

Review: A Guide to the New Translation of The Mass

Last Advent, the Roman Catholic Church made some changes to the Mass.  Almost a year later, most parishioners remember to say "It is right and just," but there are still quite a few people who don't know why the wording was changed.  The booklet, "A Guide to the New Translation of The Mass," provides a concise, but thorough, explanation of the changes that have been made.

It's important to note that the essence of the liturgy has not changed at all, but the translations of some prayers and responses have been updated. This booklet takes each one and explains the differences.  It also includes a tear out reference card in the back that is handy to bring along to Mass.

If you or someone you know isn't sure about the changes, this booklet is a great tool. It is only $1.95 at The Catholic Company.

*Disclosure: I received a copy of the booklet to facilitate my review from The Catholic Company.  No additional compensation was provided, and all opinions are my own."

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