
Thursday, October 04, 2012

Tell Me Thursday - Egg Drop

Yesterday's picture found Nate standing on top of our truck, crossing his fingers that his second model of a successful egg drop contraption wouldn't fail!  (It did!)

He came up with 3 different ideas to test, and the final one survived the drop from the truck. With modifications made to each idea along the way, I think we went through 7 eggs before the end.  The next day at school, it had to survive a drop from the school roof, so we hoped the extra few feet wouldn't hurt. 

Colin had the same assignment (through their Gifted & Talented program) and his first attempt survived the drop, so he was good.

At school, Nate's creation survived 2 drops (it was only required to survive the first drop from the roof -- but they kept trying different things to see how long the eggs could survive.  One kid's egg survived 4 drops.)  He was very pleased with himself, as was I because he thought things through, made sure he followed the rules, and was successful.
Colin's egg did not survive the first drop.  He still did a great job, though, and they all had fun doing it.

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