
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stuttering Resources

When Nate was younger, we assumed he would outgrow his stutter.  When we asked his pediatricians about it, we were told that he would most likely outgrow it.

Because we homeschooled the first few years, we probably held on to the idea that he would just stop one day for longer than if he had been in the school down the street.

When it became obvious that it was getting more pronounced and not less, we began searching for information.  We were still homeschooling the first year he attended speech therapy, but he has attended through the school the last 2 years.

When I started to look for information, I found 2 websites that provided me with the most (and most useful) information.  One of those sites is the National Stuttering Association's website (

Through the NSA site, I found local support groups and learned about their national convention. They have been an awesome place to find both support and information about stuttering.  The local group is fun and informative, and the national conference last summer was amazing. We have met so many fantastic people, including their Executive Director, Tammy Flores.  She is wonderfully positive, warm, welcoming and energetic.

Another site that gave me tons of great information is the Stuttering Foundation website (  Their site helped us learn about tons of famous people who stuttered/stutter and helped me find tons of free resources that helped us all learn more about stuttering.

A third resource I have to mention is Super Duper Publications.  (  Nate's first Speech Language Pathologist purchased their Focus on Fluency set with her own funds to help Nate.  He was the first child she had worked with that had a stutter, and she was committed to learning as much as she could.  The Focus on Fluency set included a template for a classroom presentation -- which Nate successfully has given multiple times over the years.  When he first did it in May of 2010, I made a video of it and uploaded it to YouTube.  That video has almost 30,000 views, and we've received hundreds of emails thanking Nate for sharing the information.

Those are the 3 most important resources that we've found in the last few years to help us learn more about stuttering.  I'm grateful for all the information they provide!

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