This boy loves his cars. He always has loved cars -- when he was small it was toy trucks and cars. During this past year, he has developed a love of hot rods and especially Ford Mustangs. He can recite facts about cars like some people can rattle off their favorite foods. While Mustangs may be his favorite, he watches all kinds of cars and has passed along his ability to spot cars on the freeway to his sister. If he could, he would like to have us buy him a car so he could spend the next 6 years working on it so it was ready to go when he gets that driver's license.
Beyond his obsession with cars, he still loves all things military and weapons. He hopes to attend the Air Force Academy and become a pilot. He prefers non-fiction books over fiction books, but this year he did read a few fiction books that he really enjoyed (Holes
He adores being outdoors and loves that summer is almost here with triple digit temperatures. He likes all things about nature, and loves to explore.
He is generous, compassionate, friendly and kind-hearted. He is always the first to jump and help out with a task. He has a positive and can-do attitude. He truly enjoys being with his family, and he shares very special and close bonds with both his brother and sister.
He also likes to be alone, and can be very quiet and contemplative. That is, when he's not being loud and rowdy.
I remember the night I went into labor. Bo had told me earlier that day not to worry about the car seat because I was 4 weeks away from my due date. Nate, however, had other plans and decided it was time to be born. My sweet friend drove from the other side of the valley at 2AM to care for Colin while Bo & I went to the hospital. Of my 3, his was the easiest birth and it was amazing to bring him into the world.
For his birthday this year, he started horseback riding lessons. He is loving them so far. Later today, he'll also receive an audiobook, a manga drawing kit and a promise for a new cowboy hat. Family is coming over for dinner and we'll enjoy his requested dinner of bacon hamburgers and mashed potatoes. We'll take his picture in front of our inflatable birthday cake.
He requested a plane cake. I haven't made a fancy cake in a few years (his last was the bulldozer when he turned 6), but the child is turning 10 -- so how could I refuse? It made for a late night last night, but he'll have a cake that looks like a plane tonight!
Today, on May 15, 2012, I wish my Nathaniel (who prefers to go by Nate) a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
**The first pictures are from when he was 4 -- the youngest pictures I have right now on my computer. The rest were taken yesterday -- his last day of being 9.**
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