
Friday, May 18, 2012

Coppertone Water Mom

I'm honored to tell you all that I am a Coppertone Water Mom! Thanks to Coppertone, I'll share some sun and sun protection facts this summer.

Did you know that Coppertone introduced the first consumer sun protection in 1944? We all recognize their logo -- the young girl with the puppy dog!

Living in Arizona, sun protection happens year round, especially for my 2 fair-skinned kids. That doesn't mean we don't lather Nate up as well!

This weekend we are on the beach,soaking up the California sun. We are all protected, though, thanks to Coppertone!

Watch for more posts in the coming weeks. Right now? Time to head back to the beach!

*Disclosure: I received products from Coppertone to facilitate writing this post.*

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