
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tell Me Thursday -- Sunflowers

If all goes well (meaning I remember to water), this round area will be full of sunflowers in a month.

I love sunflowers. Colin chose two different varieties so we should have huge yellow ones and smaller orange ones.  Lydia and I planted the large flowers in the center, surrounded by the smaller, orange ones around the perimeter.

When I mentioned the seeds were planted on Facebook, my brother (who was in the Army National Guard) shared this neat story --
Sgt M would always carry around a packet of sunflower seeds, and whenever we'd stop for something... refuel, location we were setting up camp, etc, he'd walk over a few feet and plant a few. So, people in WI, from Milwaukee to Ft. McCoy, the random sunflowers that may pop up on the side of the road... it's his fault. LOL
Isn't that a great story?  

Have you planted anything yet this spring?  

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