
Monday, April 02, 2012

International Children's Book Day

Today is International Children's Book Day.  The only way to celebrate is to share some favorite children's books!

I can remember lining up my collection of Little Golden Books when I was a kid, and playing library. I especially loved anything illustrated by Eloise Wilkin.

I loved reading Mr. Pudgins to my younger sister & brother.  Unfortunately, it is out of print.

I read aloud to the kids quite a bit.  (Ok, I used to read more when the boys were younger - but I still try to make it a regular part of our week.)  Over the years, some of our favorites have been:

Little House series
The Borrowers series
The The Indian in the Cupboard series

hmmm, and I wonder why Colin likes reading series so much?

We're currently reading the The Chronicles of Narnia -- just started Prince Caspian.

Nate just told me his favorite kids' book is Caps for Sale.

Colin named a few more series, but then came up with the Curious George books. He loved listening to those books over and over again!

And Lydia is currently loving anything with Kipper the Dog.

I'm sure as soon as I hit post, I will remember more and so will the kids.  OH!  Can't forget 17 Kings And 42 Elephants.  And Hug!  And Hush! A Thai Lullaby.  And . . . well . . . I could probably be here all night if I don't stop and just post.

What are some of your favorites?

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