
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Crayola & Creativity

I'm excited about the "Inside the Crayon Box" live chats sponsored by Crayola.  The first one is tomorrow night (March 7) at 9PM EST on their Facebook page.  The host for this first chat is Lisa Loeb, who has a great children's book (Lisa Loeb's Silly Sing-Along: The Disappointing Pancake and Other Zany Songs) and is dedicated to helping kids embrace their creativity.

I really believe in letting kids be kids as much as possible -- and I love this endeavor sponsored by Crayola.  To get a feel of what they're promoting, check out this video:

 If you can't attend the live chat, it will be recorded and presented on their YouTube channel. I am looking forward to playing along!

 *Disclosure: The information was shared with me through MyBlogSpark for Crayola. No product samples or compensation was provided.*

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