
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

St. Brigid's Feast Day

Picture from:
St Brigid, Mary of Ireland
Ask for us all today
The courage to do God's bidding
Whatever the world may say.

The grace to be strong and valiant

The grace to be firm and true
The grace to be faithful always
to God, His Mother and you.

Today is St. Brigid of Ireland's Feast Day.  Some years, I'm really good about celebrating feast days, some years I am completely lax.  I'm trying to do better this year, and since St. Brigid has always been a favorite of mine, I'm glad I remembered today was her day!

I'm thinking of making some Irish Soda Bread to celebrate her day.  It's a delicious treat, and I almost always have all the makings in the house.  First, though, I need to get through a long dentist's appointment, so we'll see if I make it today or tomorrow.

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