
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Giveaway: Ocean Spray Fruit Snacks

True Story!

Lydia and I were in the grocery store early last week and she saw an end cap full of boxes of Ocean Spray fruit snacks.  My kids all love Ocean Spray juice, and they all love fruit snacks.  When she saw the boxes, she said "Oh!  We need to get these!"

I looked at them, and then said "No, I think we're going to get some in the mail soon."  She gave me that look that she gives me when she thinks I'm pulling her leg, but we moved on to finish our shopping.

Sure enough, when we got home, there was a box waiting for us with boxes of Ocean Spray fruit snacks!  She was rather amazed (as was I, since I wasn't really sure when they would arrive!)

All 3 of my kids (okay, and me, too) have tried them and think they are delicious.  I like that they are not as sticky as other brands on the kids' teeth.  The flavors are bright and fruity.

Each package is only 80 calories, contains a full day's requirement of Vitamin C, and the first ingredient is juice. They're easy to throw in my purse for snacks for the kids and I don't have to worry about them crumbling or melting.

If you would like to try them the next time you go grocery shopping, click this link for a coupon good for $1.10 off TWO boxes.

If you think it would be fun to come home and find a box on your doorstep containing 6 boxes of fruit snacks in assorted flavors, then please enter my giveaway!

Entries for my giveaway are completed on my giveaway form.  Take a look at the required questions below, then CLICK HERE to pop over to the giveaway form.  Fill in all the information and I will use to choose which entry will win the giveaway.  Comments left below will not be included in the giveaway. 

NAME OF GIVEAWAY: Ocean Spray Fruit Snacks
MANDATORY QUESTION: What's your favorite fruit flavor?

**Thanks for reading!  The giveaway has ended & winner has been notified!**

The giveaway will end February 2, 2012.  Good Luck!

*Disclosure: Ocean Spray® Fruit Flavored Snacks, information, and giveaway have been provided by Ocean Spray® through MyBlogSpark.*

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