
Friday, December 23, 2011

Chex Party Mix Parties! (Giveaway)

 Have you ever hosted a cookie exchange?  I confess, they seemed like a lot of work to me!  I loved this idea from Chex Cereals, though, to host a Chex Party Mix-Change!

I know Chex Mix has been around for many years, but I didn't realize that they have come up with a ton of new recipes using Chex Mix to make fun party food!  I was lucky enough to recieve a gift pack with some cereal, as well as new recipes to try out with family and friends.

This year, my parents finally moved to Arizona.  It's been the first holiday season in over a decade when we've been able to spend it together.  This was a fun thing that I could finally include my mom in!

My oldest has loved pumpkin pie since his first taste of pumpkin pie when he was a year old.  So, when I saw the Pumpkin Pie Chex Mix, I knew that I had to make it!  It takes only 15 minutes to make, and it was yummy!!  It will become a holiday staple at our house.

If you would like to host your own Chex Party Mix-Change, I have the perfect giveaway for you to enter!  You'll receive 2 boxes of Chex cereal, recipes, take-out boxes to send Chex Mix home with your guests and a $20 gift card to buy supplies!  You know the drill -- CLICK HERE to jump over to my giveaway form.  Enter the necessary information.

MANDATORY QUESTION: What's your favorite party food?

I'll draw a winner on Friday, January 6 from all the entries that followed the instructions.  I use to choose a winning entry.  Good Luck!!

*Disclsoure:  I received a gift package like the one I am giving away, thanks to MyBlogSpark and Chex Ceereals.  All opinions are my own.  No additional compensation was provided.*

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