
Monday, October 31, 2011

Review: Hexbugs

We were lucky enough to host a HEXBUGS party, thanks to HEXBUG and Mommy Parties.  I shared the kids' review video last week, and we shared the goodies with friends on Halloween.

I put together some fun goody bags that included Halloween soda, Halloween Pez containers, chocolate lollipops, and of course the new, limited edition, Hexbug Nano Glow-in-the-Dark Micro-Robotic Creatures.  I heard shouts of "All right!" when the boys saw the HEXBUGS in their bags of treats!

In addition to the little bugs -- which you can see the youngest of the crowd had a great time racing around on a tray -- we also had Nano Glow in the Dark Habitat / Race Tracks.  These tracks glowed in the dark really well ( but  didn't photograph well for me) and the kids had a great time watching their bugs whizz around the tracks.  I think this set of bugs is even faster than the last ones we had!

While most of the adults find them a bit creepy, the kids all squeal in delight about the HEXBUGS.  They are definitely a fun toy, and one that all the kids we shared them with agreed are FUN!

You can find them at major retailers, including Target, Radio Shack and Amazon.
*Disclosure: I received an awesome Halloween Party Pack, full of awesome toys, thanks to Mommy Parties and HEXBUGS. No additional compensation was provided.  All opinions are my own.*

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