
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nate's Thoughts on Stuttering

Today, Nate & I attended the NSA sponsored Stuttering Youth Day event at ASU.  It just happened to coincide with International Stuttering Awareness Day!

We had a wonderful morning at the event (I'll share more in a couple days) and then headed over to a pumpkin patch so the kids get find pumpkins, and then to the Phoenix Food Truck Festival to finish up our long day.  I tell you all of this as a preface, so you know that he made this video after a long day!  He wanted to share his message, though, so here it is!

1 comment:

  1. "I agree with the things you said on your videos. I think you stand up for yourself. Thank you for helping people understand." --from Ethan, age 7, who also stutters.

    THANK YOU!!! My son and I were so pleased to find your videos and blog. Thank you so much for your information and videos.
