
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tell Me Thursday - Journalist (a few days late)

Colin has been participating in a journalism camp at Gangplank in Chandler, AZ.  Gangplank is a collaborative workspace that hosts some amazing businesses, but Katie Charland (the director), decided to host a journalism program for kids that started this summer.

She volunteered her time and space, offered the camp at no cost, and sent the word out looking for kids aged 8 - 14.  Bo happened to see the article through Yahoo News and offered to take both boys.  Nate wasn't interested, but Colin definitely was!

Over the last couple months, the kids have been learning about journalism -- from news stories, editorials, photojournalism, podcasting and more.  Today, I'm sitting in the room listening to them hand out assignments so that they can create a news site, that should go live in a few weeks.  Every bit of the site will be done by the kids -- stories, pictures, blogging, etc.  It's been a great experience for Colin and I can't wait to see what they create.

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