
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Take To My Bed

I have always liked the phrase "took to her bed."  I know that it usually is used describing someone who is depressed, or ill, but I love the chance to take to my bed!

I have always loved to nap, and my sweet husband always makes it possible when he can (I admit that I'm kinda cranky when I'm tired.)

When I had babies, my bed was my favorite place to nurse, so it was often a haven for me.  It was easy to nurse a hungry baby, and then nap with the baby once they were full.  As we've added babies, our bed is a comfortable place to snuggle with the kids and read books or watch TV.

We've shared a family bed since we've been parents, and while all the kids have their own beds, when they're small they spend a good portion of time in ours.

It's one of my favorite places in the house.  Most evenings find the 3 kids and myself in bed while I read bedtime stories (we're currently reading The Horse and His Boy ) before they head off to their own beds.

We had always had a queen sized bed, until we were expecting Lydia and we finally bumped up to a kind size mattress.  Bo insisted for years that a king size bed wouldn't fit in our bedroom -- but it fits just fine!  We did do some online research before choosing our new mattress, and have slept soundly on it ever since!

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