
Friday, May 13, 2011

Review: Princess Zhu Zhu Pets

 Lydia's birthday was April 29 -- which coincided this year with a royal wedding in Great Britain! Thanks to Mom Select and Cepia, we had the chance to play with the latest Zhu Zhu Pets -- which include a princess & a prince as well as a Princess Castle, a Princess Ballroom and a Princess Carriage!

The pets are pink and purple and are adorable!  The castle and other pieces are pink & white and very detailed.  The carriage got the most play in our house, but the dance floor was a close second.

The pink pet is Magical Zhu Zhu Princess Snowcup and the purple one is Prince Dashington.  Pink and purple happen to be Lydia's favorite colors -- so they were quick friends.  We also got a few costumes, which fit any of the Zhu Zhu pets.  They were adorable and included a princess dress.

Lydia had a friend over a few days after her birthday and they had a great time playing with the pieces.  It was her friend's first exposure to Zhu Zhu Pets and she was delighted with the noisy hamsters!

My son, Colin, did the work of setting up the castle and other pieces.  He also quickly realized that any of the Zhu Zhu pets could play in this set, and added a few for extra characters. Colin and Lydia took some time to make a video review of the set and shared their thoughts --

Zhu Zhu Pets are made by Cepia, Inc. and are available at major retailers, including  My kids have enjoyed playing with the pets since we were first introduced to them -- and we are always on the lookout for new characters and playsets.  This set definitely appeals more to the girls -- but Colin didn't mind playing with Lydia!

*Disclosure: I received pets and playsets from Mom Select and Cepia to help facilitate this review.  No additional compensation was provided.  All video belongs to me.*

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