
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

National Stuttering Awareness Week - Spoken Words

For National Stuttering Awareness Week, Nate wanted to make a video. For while I can write all the words I want -- the true picture of someone who stutters must include their spoken word.

Here's Nate talking about his stutter, giving advice to people who meet those who stutter, his take on the school year, his great 3rd grade teacher and our summer plans.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Dear Nate,

    I am a speech therapist who works with lots of kids in Canada who also have a stutter. Your video is awesome! I am going to show your video to some of the kids I see so that they can learn more about other kids who also have a stutter! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Hey there, I just stumbled across your blog and was so delighted to see the advocacy and outreach you and your sone Nate are doing.
    I am an adult female stutterer, who largely kept my stuttering hidden for years, as I was embarassed and ashamed and did not have the support of family when I was kid. We never talked about it, so I grew up thinking something was wrong with me, that I was defective and flawed.
    I had a defining moment about 5 years ago, and have since been open and sharing my own story. I too have been blogging for over two years and started a podcast for women who stutter last year (it just celebrated its first birthday).
    I am going to link your blog to mine. I think its great. And so proud of Nate for being outgoing and speaking up for all those who can't due to shame and fear.
