
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Primrose Family Dance Off Contest

My kids love to dance.  My boys are shy if they think other people might see them, but they love to dance if they think nobody is watching.  Lydia will dance for anybody and everybody!  The three of them also love being outdoors, so it made perfect sense to have them show off their dance moves in our backyard!  Don't you wish you had their energy?

Primrose Schools is sponsoring the "Family Dance Off" to keep families moving and to benefit Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.  MomSelect and Primrose Schools asked if I would share the information with my readers, and I was happy to do so for this great cause (plus, I love dancing with my kids and watching them dance!)

Families (yes, that means YOU!) are encouraged to show off their best dance moves in a 30 second video and upload it to their site.  The video that receives the most votes will receive a cash prize AND $30,000 will be donated to the Children's Miracle Network Hospital in their area.

It's easy to enter, and if you want to, you can use your Facebook account to connect and register on the site.  You will enter some additional address information, and then upload your video to their site.   (You must upload your video from your computer, you cannot link it from YouTube.) Once that is done, you can share your video and ask for votes!  Everyone has 5 votes per day, so be sure to vote for your favorites on the site.

You have until March 19, 2011, so get those tunes rocking & those video cameras out!

*Disclosure: I received a party package from MomSelect and Primrose Schools in exchange for sharing information about this contest.*

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