
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Review: Barnyard Dance & Bayou Boogie

I'll tell you a secret.  When I receive a children's CD, I take it with me to work and listen to it on the way to work.  I do this just in case it's music I never want to hear again!  If I don't like the CD, I never have to share it with my kids.

So, when I received copies of Barnyard Dance: Jug Band Music for Kids and Buckwheat Zydeco's Bayou Boogie, I slipped them both in my work bag with the intention of listening to them on my commute.

As it turns out, I didn't need to worry.  Both CDs have toe-tapping music that's easy to listen to and not grating to my ears. 

Now, that it passed the "Mom Test," it needed to pass the "Kid Test."  As I sat at my desk one day while the boys did homework at the kitchen table, I started playing the music.  Nate spoke up and asked "Hey, what is that?"  Colin tried to discern what instruments were being played and Lydia began dancing around.  Ok, it's easy to get Lydia dancing, but in any event all 3 kids enjoyed the music and gave these CDs their seal of approval. 

You can find them at Amazon, or other major retailers.

*Disclosure: I received copies of each CD to facilitate my review.  No additional compensation was provided.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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