
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February is Hot Breakfast Month (did you know?)

February is Hot Breakfast Month (who decides these things I wonder?  I do think it's fun to celebrate them, though!)  Last night, we had hot breakfast for dinner -- scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon and orange juice.  It's a favorite meal of my kids any time of day!

Log Cabin contacted me recently and shared some fun facts about a survey they recently took about breakfasts.  Did you know:

  • Mom is the favorite breakfast chef?  42% choose their moms over celebrity chefs like Paula Deen or Rachel Ray?  I wonder where dads fall in this survey, since Bo is the one to make hot breakfasts most weekends around here!

  • 88% of Americans talk with each other during breakfast!  I know we talk during breakfast, even if it's just mapping out the day's schedules or quizzing spelling words.

  • On cold days, 2/3 of Americans prefer a hot breakfast over cold cereal (only 11% choose cold cereal)  In our house, we eat cold cereal often during the week, but hot oatmeal is a top favorite, as are pancakes.

  • 40% of men are dressed before they eat breakfast, while only 27% of women are.  I wonder if that's because women are busy getting everyone out the door?  In our house, kids are always dressed before breakfast and so are Bo & I.
Log Cabin has been making syrup since 1887!  And, now it's made without high fructose corn syrup.  I stopped buying bread and ketchup made with HFCS a while ago, but I didn't know that I had any other choice in syrups (unless I paid the premium price for pure maple syrup.)  Log Cabin is sending me a few bottles to taste test, and I will share the results with you of our home taste test!  (And I think I'll have a fun giveaway to announce then, too!)

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