
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tell Me Thursday - From the Sups

If you looked carefully yesterday, you may have noticed that the boys are dressed exactly the same in this picture, and in the picture in my blog header. 

It was taken in February, 2008, on the trails for the Superstition Mountains near our home.  I didn't climb this high that day with Lydia, but the boys (Bo included) enjoyed the climb and the view!

You can see how green the desert is in this picture.  People often assume that deserts are brown and dry, but the desert is often green.  In the spring, this mountain range is covered in colorful wildflowers. Of course, it helps that we happen to live in the wettest desert in the world.

A friend recently asked about the mountains in the header, and since she's coming to visit (yea!!) in February, I thought I'd post this shot.


  1. I love the mountains in the Phoenix area! Hiking is such great exercise and fun... I have gone on hikes with people where you just have a blast and really connect with them. Its more than just a fun way to keep in shape; it gives you a feeling of accomplishment and builds relationships...all with a view!

  2. I clicked over from your comment on MTTSM & had to say I love your blog title!
    Also, I immediately learned something new. I had always assumed desert meant mostly brown- thanks for setting the record straight :) It's so green! lol
    I must say Im bummed I missed the Toilet Bowl giveaway, wish Id found you sooner! lol
    Take care!
