
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Review: Toy Story 3 Action Links Toy

sWhen a huge box landed on our doorstep a while ago, my boys were eager to see what was inside.  When they saw the Toy Story 3 Action Link toys, they were thrilled and couldn't wait to get their hands on the toys.  They were not so thrilled when I told them they had to wait until we could schedule a party.

So, you can imagine their excitement when the party date finally arrived. We had a few boys over to set up and test out these new toys and they received resounding positive reviews!  The kids had a great time setting up the different sets and loved how they could all fit together, or be played with separately.  They were able to play with a number of the sets, as well as share a couple of the sets with friends and also Toy Story 3 buddy packs of the action figures.

These toys were a big hit, and got a thumbs up from everyone who played with them! 

Disclosure: I received a party pack of toys and party ideas from Mommy Parties.  No additional compensation was provided, but my kids were super-thrilled to be included in another awesome party!

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