
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Heading Home

We are heading home today and while it's been a fantastic vacation, I'm ready to be home.  Nate was ready to be home 2 days ago, but he's my homebody child so I'm not surprised.  We had an amazing 4 days in Disney (seems like such a cliche to say it was magical, but it was!) and then a day to hang at the beach and visit the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium.  I think this is our 4th or 5th visit there, but it is always informative and a great place to visit.

We're back to the usual grind on Monday -- the boys will have to work hard tomorrow to make up the schoolwork their teachers gave them before we left, I need to prepare for classes, and Bo needs to plan a work trip.  This vacation was well worth the crunch we'll have tomorrow to get ready for a new week!

I need to help pack the car, so I'm off!

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