
Monday, December 06, 2010

Giveaway: Hamburger Helper and Help Feed America!

One of the charities where we regularly contribute is our local food bank.  When Blog Spark asked if I wanted to help spread the word about Feeding America, I was happy to jump on board.  According to Feeding America, they help 5.7 million people each week receive emergency food assistance.

When you purchase specially marked packages of Hamburger Helper, they will donate 17 cents per code. They have already donated half a million dollars, and are committed to donating another $100,000 through this program.  You can visit Show Your Helping Hand to either make a direct donation, or enter your codes.

Tim McGraw is their spokesperson, and you can watch one of the PSA's he created right here:

To help spread the word, Blog Spark sent me a package including a foam helping hand, a CD of Tim McGraw's music, a box of Hamburger Helper and made a $10 donation in my name to Feeding America.  They want to send a package to one of my readers as well, and make another $10 donation in your name!

For the giveaway, please click HERE to go to the Giveaway Form.  Once there, you will enter the basic contact info, as well as enter the following information:

**Winner has been chosen & notified! Thank you!!**
Visit the link on my sidebar to review my giveaway rules.  I will choose a winner on December 15, 2010.  Please consider making a donation in any case!

*Disclosure:  BlogSpark and Hamburger Helper sent me a package and will send one to the reader who wins the giveaway.  No further compensation was provided.

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