
Monday, October 18, 2010

Chocolate & Moderation (Giveaway)

At first, I thought it was funny that Hershey's has a "Center for Health & Nutrition" but after thinking about, I realize that it is true that everything is okay when done in moderation -- including food!

Why not enjoy chocolate in moderation, along with a healthy diet and normal portions? I love chocolate and will admit to eating it weekly. Maybe more than weekly.

I will also admit that I need to work harder on the moderation thing. I know intellectually that moderation is best, but it isn't always easy to put that into practice.  I'm trying harder these days, though, and I'm hoping that I find some success.

My BlogSpark and Hershey's sent me a bag of chocolate, along with a journal to keep track of my meal choices and exercise. I have read all the studies that show that those who keep a food journal lose more weight than those who don't and I know it's true for me as well.  When I carefully record what I eat, I lose weight faster.  Now, if only I can figure out a way to keep recording and not get totally bored with the idea of writing down what I put in my mouth and instead just eat!

There are tips, ideas and recipes at a website that Hershey's has created -- The Moderation Nation. The website hopes to motivate readers and help them meet their goals in a healthy, sane way.  They also have an iPhone app to help you while you're on the go.

For one of my readers, I have a prize pack to give away that includes a bag of chocolate, a journal and a Moderation Nation t-shirt.  Please click HERE for the Giveaway Form to fill out  your information.  Please do NOT leave a comment below -- all entries should be entered on the Giveaway Form.

On that form, you'll enter your name, email address and the following information:

Name of Giveaway:  Moderation
Mandatory Question: Tell me one thing you learned or found at the Moderation Nation website

Good Luck!  Giveaway will close on Friday, October 22, 2010.  All giveaway rules can be found by clicking the link to the right!

*Disclosure: Thanks to  Hersheys and MyBlogSpark, I received a prize pack as described above and one to give away to one reader.  No additional compensation was provided.*


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I know I do a lot better with food when I journal it. Not wanting to write something down is enough to keep me from eating it most of the time. Chocolate doesn't present much of a problem. With really good dark chocolate, I'm happy just breaking two squares of the bar and stopping there.

  2. I like the fact that there is a meal balancer. This seems like a fabulous idea. I have the hardest time sometimes figuring out what should go with what and the nutrition content of different foods.
