
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby / Toddler IPad App Giveaway

 **Giveaway has ended! Winners have been notified! Thanks for reading & watch for more giveaways!**

Do you have a baby or toddler AND an iPad?  Recently, I reviewed 2 of Punflay's baby & toddler apps for the iPad.  They are perfect for 6 month - 2 year old children.  Here's some video of Lydia (3yo) playing with the apps:

The great folks at PunFlay have given me 2 codes to give away to my readers!  I have one code for the Numbers game and one code for the Baby Explorer game.  This giveaway will end July 25, 2010.

To enter, click here to go to the giveaway form!  The information you need is right here:

Giveaway Name: Punflay
Mandatory Question:  Which game would you like to receive? (Numbers or Baby Explorer)

I will notify the winners on July 26, 2010.  Be sure to review the giveaway rules if you have any questions.

Good Luck!!

*Disclosure: I received the apps for review from Punflay, who also provided the codes to give away. No other compensation was provided.

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