
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seven Years Ago . . .

This was my first-ever post -- made seven years ago today:

In college, someone once told me that I had an "intense and ridiculous need to over-communicate." WHY I remember this 13 years later, I do not know, but it seems an appropriate quote to begin my blog with.

Of course, I now have a one year old hanging on my leg, desiring attention -- and my 2 1/2 year old is pleading that I "PLEASE stop email" -- so I guess this is the end of my first-ever post :)

I know one friend/reader who will remember when this was originally said to me, and knowing her she probably even remembers the name of the person who said it. (Her memory is much better than mine, I can see us sitting in our old newspaper office . . . but I cannot remember his name.)

It's been an amazing seven years.  I've met some wonderful people, reconnected with others, worked with some fantastic companies and had many great opportunities thanks to this blog.  I'm humbled and grateful.

Life has changed quite a bit in the last seven years.  We live in the same house, but we've added a pool and a room.  We added a 3rd child.  We homeschooled the last four years. Bo changed companies a few times. I went back to training and began to get paid for my writing.

I know that life will continue to change and as always, we welcome those changes and the challenges they bring.  I imagine myself continuing to share many of them from my little patch of sunshine.


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oooh. That is a long time ago. I confess that I don't exactly recall that conversation, but my top candidates for who would have said that are: Eric H. before you and Joyce booted him from the Editor in Chief job, Mike I. who was in my Econ. and Philosophy classes one semester or Mike R., the Sports Editor with whom we continually had copy-writing issues. I do not think it was either of the photographer, Sean or Brian and I don't think Phil Z. would have been so bold.

    And now it's hard to believe that Colin and Nate are the same people they were when I visited in 2003. Or that there was ever a world without Lydia.

    Here's to you and your family and your ever-evolving career.

  2. Wow Mel - has it really been 7 years? You were the first person I ever knew that had a blog! :) :) I have sure enjoyed reading it and keeping up with you!
