
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sliding into Friday

It's been a whirlwind of a week.

Bo came down with a nasty cold that had him in bed for a day and he's still feeling under the weather.

I had a class earlier this week that was for a program I hadn't really worked in (other than preparing for the class) that caused me a bit of stress.  Thankfully, certain features of software programs haven't changed in 15 years and the years of training I've done prepared me for figuring some things out on the fly.  I had a mantra going of "If only I can get through Tuesday morning" for a few days prior -- and thankfully I DID get through it just fine!

Tuesday afternoon I met with the speech pathologist and we are FINALLY starting services for Nate in January. I am happy with the speech pathologist -- she is kind, knowledgeable, interested in Nate and seems very competent.  I am not happy that it took us since September to get to this point, but realize that is bureaucracy.  I am eager to get his appointments under way finally!  We did have a meeting with a district representative who tried to imply that it would be better if Nate was enrolled, but in the end she agreed that he would be able to receive help at our local school without enrollment.  I found it interesting that if he WAS enrolled, there would be very limited times during the day when he could receive services. They can't pull them out of core classes, or electives, or recess . . . and so I'm not sure what that leaves?

Wednesday had me at the doctor's office with Nate.  He has been coughing for months, (since a nasty cold mid-October) and in the last few days he started feeling much worse.   A run of steroids and albuterol did nothing to help him a few weeks ago, so we were back in the office where he was diagnosed with an ear infection, a sinus infection and possibly pneumonia.  I'm hoping this knocks the cough out once and for all!  (As an aside, I have not been ignoring it.  We've been to the doctor multiple times . . . but this is the first time it appeared an infection had set in and he needed antibiotics. Of which he's now on 2 different ones.)

We also visited Santa.  Yes, I know I started Nate on 2 different antibiotics. But, he had a tough day, we had planned on the visit, and he felt up to it.  Kudos to Bass Pro Shop for offering free pictures with Santa, and making it so that nobody has to wait in long lines.

Today our dog went to a new family. Unfortunately, while she was a good dog, she never stopped nipping and jumping at the kids.  She is a heeler, and while we understood she was trying to herd the kids, it wasn't safe for Lydia.  She would knock her down and snapped at her so that we could never let them be near each other.  I had been looking for a new home for her for a while, and am glad we found her a place to live with lots of room to run, other dogs, no kids, and a new owner who was interested in having her join her family.  The boys were sad to see her leave, but they also understood that our family wasn't the best fit for her either.

And, so I slide into Friday.  It's a week before Christmas and I need to address and mail our cards, wrap gifts, trim the tree, bake goodies . . . and enjoy the holiday.  Hopefully tomorrow won't find me with Colin at the doctor's office!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they can pull kids out for speech from core classes. My children were pulled out. Maybe differing school districts have different policies, but once it is established that services are required, they HAVE to provide it. Sept to Jan isn't too bad to wait for the process to be done. It took almost two years for my oldest to get services.
