
Monday, December 07, 2009

Review: Crayola Color Me A Song

As mentioned in my recent giveaway post for the Crayola Glow Dome, we also received a Crayola Beginnings Color Me A Song to play with and review.

Not one to let her brothers hog the limelight -- here's Lydia's video review.  (She handed me the video camera and said "Mom - I do review, too!"

These must be a popular Christmas gift, as Amazon has them listed for $49.95 at the time I'm posting this.  They should cost $20 - 25 (just so you know!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Oh wow, Melanie. Is she gorgeous or what? I love it! Makes me wish I had a daughter too! She sure has a good vocabulary for her age. I don't think Rocky spoke that well when he was 2.

    God bless you all! I deleted my blog, by the way. I'll let you know when/if I make another.

