
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays and Easy Peasy Fudge Recipe

Lots of coughing and nose blowing in my house, but I won't bore you with the list of illnesses and antibiotics, so let's just say that we're all on the mend and all indications are that we should start 2010 healthy (knock on wood!)

The kids were delighted with their Christmas haul, and we had our usual long stretch of gift opening so they had the chance to look at and play with new things before something else was opened.  We didn't make Christmas Eve mass, so we attended 10AM services.  My sister came over and we opened more gifts, and then decided to postpone our usual fancy Christmas dinner since everyone was under the weather.

Bo loves fudge, and I've had mixed results trying to make it in the past. I found a new recipe recently and was able to throw it together in about 5 minutes on Christmas Day.  It's not a traditional cooked sugar fudge, but it is EASY and TASTY.

There are only 3 ingredients -- 3 cups chocolate chips (I used semi-sweet), 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1/4 cup butter. 

I melted the ingredients together in a large Pyrex bowl in the microwave, ran the microwave 1 minute at a time and stirred to mix it all together and when the chocolate had a good sheen I mixed in a 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts and poured it into a buttered 8x8 pan.  It set up in the refrigerator, and tasted yummy!  It would be easy to add in other mix-ins -- we were thinking of peanut butter, or marshmallows, next time.  Really it took me 5 minutes from start to finish!  If you want an easy fudge recipe, I highly recommend this one!

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