
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tell Me Thursday - An Office

Did you try to guess where the picture was taken for my Wordless Wednesday post?  It is a shot of Carl Sandburg's office, from his home in Flat Rock, NC.  We had the chance to tour his home while we were in NC in mid-2008. 

The grounds were beautiful, and it was fascinating to learn more about him and his wife (who was quite the champion goat breeder!)  One of the fun facts I remember is that every room had a bucket of walking sticks, because people would often bring him one as a gift.  The land around his home was very hilly, but he actually never used a walking stick!  Another fun fact was that he was good friends with the president of a television manufacturing company, and so had a TV in almost every room -- even though he didn't watch.

Did you play Wordless Wednesday?  Don't forget to link up your Tell Me Thursday story!


  1. What a beautiful office! I would feel so inspired to write and create with all those books around :) We're not too far from NC, I may have to look into a visit for our family. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I can't imagine having a bucket of walking sticks in every room. I guess they would be handy for scaring kids into behaving though. You could always say, "Go get me a switch... oh never mind, here's a walking stick"!

    Hmmm... never mind. A kid might get scared and crawl in a weather balloon then. Shhh!!

    Did you see that?!
