
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Review: The Sound of Sleigh Bells (and Giveaway!)

The Sound of Sleigh Bells, by Cindy Woodsmall, was a sweet, romantic story set in an Amish community. I hadn't read anything by Cindy Woodsmall before, so I wasn't sure what to expect from the book.

The story is of a young Amish woman, her meddling (but well-meaning) aunt, and a young man who may be able to heal old wounds. 

I found characters that were kind and gentle-hearted, and the situations seemed real and believable. I know I already used the adjective "sweet", but this story was sweet. I enjoyed reading it very much.  It wasn't predictable, but it was definitely enjoyable.

I have a copy of this book to give to one of my readers! Please leave a comment below letting me know you'd be interested in reading this sweet (there's that word again!) Christian romance and you'll be entered in the giveaway!  The giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents.  The comments will close on October 21, 2009. Winner will be chosen via and notified via email.  Good Luck!

Waterbrook Press is a Christian publishing division of Random House. In exchange for my honest review of this book, I received a review copy of my own and a book to giveaway.  No other compensation was provided. If you would like to join their "Blog for Books" program, click here!

**Comments are closed! Giveaway has ended & winner contacted.  Thanks for your interest, and watch for more giveaways! **


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Sounds like a lovely story!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Ladybug Maria

  2. My daughter loves these kinds of books and it is funny..last Tuesday, I went to what Indiana calls
    the "Covered Bridge Festivals," up north a bit.
    This one in Rockville, IN area was in Amish country also. We saw several in horse and had a momma and her precious little girl and they both nodded, smiled and the little girl waved as they passed by. Then on the way home, we stopped at an Amish stand and they were just closing up. They still had some baked goods out and I purchased a delicious loaf of jalepeno/cheese bread! So yummy! The little man who waited on us, had his black hat and suspenders on and a very busy beard and blunt cut black hair up under his hat. There were about 6 women around packing up and they all had their clothing like in the photo of the book on. Those that spoke had funny little accents too! :)

  3. bushy beard! Ha! ;)

  4. I would love the opportunity to read this charming book. I've never read any of her books before, I love fiction, and today's market isn't always 'friendly' to a Catholic reader! This sounds like something I can read and be happy with.

  5. I would love to read this sweet story and then share it with my sister (who also loves to read:)
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    eclaireham at yahoo dot com

  6. Any book sweet and Christian us worth my time! :-)
