
Thursday, October 01, 2009

One Thousand Posts

In 2003 when I started this blog, I don't think I could have envisioned what life would look like 6+ years and 1,000 posts later, but here I am!

I have scraps of notes of things I want to write about in October, so I thought I'd just throw them out here as bullets and hopefully hit them all before November rolls around!
  • 168 hours
  • stuttering
  • book reviews - I have 3 on my desk, and a 4th in the mail on the way to me that I need to do this month.
  • day in the life post (mainly because I always love reading those posts when others do them!)
  • cookie recipes
  • child care issues
  • homeschooling
  • holidays
I'm sure there is more I'll write about, but those are the things rolling around at the moment.  I didn't realize this would be my 1,000th posts until I logged in tonight - so I don't have anything exciting prepared.  I will announce the Wendy's gift card winner tomorrow though!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Congrats Melanie, your blog is a joy to read and i am so grateful for your friendship!
