
Monday, August 31, 2009

Writer Mama Book Giveaway!

I received The Writer Mama as a gift a few years ago, and have been following Christina Katz online ever since. I'm currently taking her class, Publishing the Short Stuff, and am learning so much!

She asked that readers share about her giveaway, and I'm happy to do so! From her site:

For the third year in a row, The Writer Mama, Christina Katz, is giving away thirty books in thirty days. All you have to do to participate is answer the question that Christina will pose daily. One lucky winner will win each day. There is no limit to how many times you can enter. The drawing is for U.S. residents. You don’t have to be a mom, but of course, the event is created with moms in mind, so please tell all the writer mamas you know! See ya in September at

So, head on over and enter her giveaways! And then come back and tell me if you win any of the books!

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