
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Small Successes (Vol 26)

Over at Faith & Family Live, Danielle encourages moms to share three small successes they've enjoyed during the week. It's wonderful to click through and read about the successes of so many moms!

Here are mine for the week:
  1. I sent out an email and reached out to the responses for my request for cleaning help. Having help with this task will make other things go much more smoothly, I know (from past experiences!)
  2. I made spaghetti sauce in bulk - and froze enough for 4 more meals!
  3. I had dinners planned for the 3 days I worked full-time out of the house.
What are your successes for the week? I'd love to read about them, so please post!

1 comment:

  1. WONDERFUL job!!!! Love your list. Reading about your sauce made me hungry!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!
