
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Small Successes (Vol 24)

Over at Faith & Family Live, Danielle encourages moms to share three small successes they've enjoyed during the week. It's wonderful to click through and read about the successes of so many moms!

Here are mine for the week:
  1. My oldest asked me kindly to go to the bookstore, and while I had work to do, and was tired, and thought of a million excuses . . . I picked up my purse and popped out to the car with him, leaving my other 2 home with my husband. He talked my ear off the entire ride over there, and impressed me with his growing conversational skills (So, Mom, which was your favorite part of the Ice Age movie? Hmmm, well I liked . . . ) Then, we spent almost an hour perusing books and didn't have to chase his toddler sister, or ask his brother to be patient. We were able to just wander together and look at books. On the way home, we had some deeper discussions (Well, I could be a dentist and a writer and a track runner and a magician. Because sometimes you have talents and you should just use them!) and even deeper discussions (I would feel absolutely awful if my best friend in the world died.) In the bustle of life, I don't always take the time to just "be" with my boys anymore. Last night reminded me how precious that is.
  2. I was able to step back and not get involved in some drama that occurred. It was a very conscious decision to step away and it would have been easy to get drawn in. I am SO very glad I did not!
  3. I got through 75% of the laundry :)
Head on over to Faith & Family Live to grab the button & share your own successes this week!


  1. I so needed to read this, especially about time with our kids. Thank you....thanks for sharing!

  2. Great job this week!

  3. Nice list! My kids love the bookstore too.

  4. Good job! Esp. about staying out of drama. :) I need to work on that with having in-laws close by. ;)
    Have a great week!
