
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Review: A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love

I recently received a copy of A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love (biography of St. Gianna Beretta Molla) from The Catholic Company for review. I first heard of St. Gianna around the time she was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004. I was on a Catholic moms email list, and one of the moms on the list had a devotion to her and called upon her during her difficult and dangerous pregnancies. I quickly found myself drawn to her as well and her message of devoted maternal love.

This biography is short (32 pages) but provides information about her life that left me wanting to learn more about her. She came from a big family, devoted to God and the Church. She was raised with no doubt that each life was a magnificent gift.

St. Gianna was intensely spiritual, and became a doctor so that she could minister to others. She believed wholeheartedly in Divine Providence, and she shared her faith and wisdom throughout her life. After her death, her writings and lectures continued to inspire those who read them.

During her last pregnancy, she was adamant in telling her husband that if a choice had to be made, he should choose to save the baby's life. St. Gianna died shortly after that baby's birth, but left behind a inspriational legacy of charity and love.

In addition to the biographical information, this book includes wonderful family pictures, excerpts from her writings, and prayers to and about her. I really appreciated the inclusion of this extra information, but wished that the book included the miracles that helped her become a saint.

If you want to learn more about this wonderful saint, please visit The Catholic Company and purchase a copy of the book.

This review is part of The Catholic Company's review program. In exchange for my honest review, I received a copy of this book.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Love this book...she is by far one of my favorite saints!
