
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tell Me Thursday - Home

This picture was taken in our new office. The french doors let in plenty of light, and L's play housefits perfectly in that corner (until we finish her room.) The bookcase is the one I wrote about buying from Ikea and it perfectly covers up a door that used to lead from our bedroom onto the patio.

L absolutely loves playing in her house, and will often go in there, play with the knobs on her stove and yell "DINNERTIME BOYS!!" and expect them to come running. LOL!

Tell Me Thursday is for all the folks who play Wordless Wednesday -- but want to share the story behind their picture/s!


  1. I bet this keeps her busy for hours! My children had a little kitchen and they played with it for a little while but then it just sat there! My Tell Me Thursday is here.

  2. I love the corner you have put the little house in with all the sunlight. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend!

  3. How great. She'll have so much fun in there especially when you're all in there too.
    I love French doors for the light it lets in.

  4. The play kitchen was by far my girls' favorite thing - looks so nice in there!
