
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Look Good . . . Feel Better

My mother-in-law died of bone cancer just over a year ago, after beating breast cancer a few years prior. When I heard about the Look Good . . . Feel Better site from Mom Central, I was intrigued enough to check it out.

They are a public service, non-brand affiliated service that helps women (as well as teens and men!) dealing with cancer to feel better about themselves during and after their treatment. They provide free cosmetic and hair counseling, as well as skin care and makeup tips, to help them deal with the changes in their appearance brought about by cancer treatment.

Look Good . . . Feel Better is celebrating their 20th year of service this year, and are hosting an essay contest on their website. They are reaching out to cancer survivors to share their stories of hope, determination and courage in order to help others going through similar situations. Five women will be chosen for the "Women of Hope is Beautiful" campaign and be featured on the website as well as winning a trip to New York City, where they will have a fabulous makeover.

I think this is an amazing organization, and I am happy to help spread the word about their mission and their contest through my blog. Thanks to Mom Central for letting me know about them! I don't think my mother-in-law was aware of them, but I do hope that this organization can continue to help boost the self-esteem of individuals fighting cancer.

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