
Monday, May 04, 2009

Review: New Healthy Choice Meals

Between homeschooling, preparing healthy meals for my family, working, taking care of the house -- it's pretty common that I find myself scrounging for lunch and eating peanut butter from a spoon or snacking on unhealthy choices when I'm too hungry to make good choices. When Mom Central asked if I wanted to learn more about Healthy Choices new meals, I was definitely interested! A couple years ago, I was able to watch my weight by eating frozen meals for lunch on a regular basis. I admit, though, that I got tired of the same old meals and the cost started inching up.

While I would hope that I could make better meals from scratch, the truth of the matter is that I just don't have the time right now. Healthy Choice has introduced 6 new All Natural meals that look great. (Well, 4 new meals that look great to me. I don't eat mushrooms & 2 of the new meals are based around portabella mushrooms.) At the store this weekend, I picked up a couple of the new meals and just finished the Pumpkin Squash Ravioli. Let's just say "YUM!"

This yummy meal of pumpkin ravioli, asparagus (which I was afraid would get slimy after being frozen and microwaved - but was just fine!), squash and apples was filling and delicious. It contained 6g of fiber and 300 calories. If you're following Weight Watchers, it counts as 6 points.

Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy Sweet Asian Potstickers! I like the fact that the options I like are vegetarian, as I am trying to cut down on the amount of meat I eat. They're also low in calories, have a good amount of fiber, and are well balanced and filling. I will definitely enjoy more of these meals in the future!

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