KaBOOM! is a national, non-profit organization that helps communities build playgrounds. They are currently trying to list 100,000 play spaces in 100 days in order to raise $100,000! The best part? You can help!
Visit KaBOOM!'s site and join the Mom Central team (that link will take you to Mom Central's page.) For every playspace you enter, $1 will be donated to a fund to build more playspaces. As I'm typing this, 7,435 playspaces have been entered and there are 72 days left in this campaign.
I know you have a favorite park or 2 where your kids love to play! Won't you visit and enter your favorite playspace? Check out the playspaces already entered and you may find a new favorite spot!
As extra encouragement, I have a $10 Starbucks Gift Card to send one of my readers that joins Mom Central's team! After you've joined, and entered at least one playspace, come back here and leave a comment. Let me know what ZIP your favorite playspace is located in, and I'll draw a random comment to receive the gift card. Contest will end May 1, 2009 at midnight.
Hi, I signed up and joined Mom Central's team! 21214 is my favorite playspace. Hope I did this right. This is new to me. Thank for the giveaway. I love Starbucks!