I taught yesterday, and we got a feel of the new routine since DH had an early morning meeting so I had to drop the kids at the sitter (usually he takes care of the morning routines, as he usually didn't have to leave home until 9 / 9:30. I'll have to leave home at 6:45, so it's definitely a change for us all. In the past, the kids didn't even wake up until I was gone.)
Today I didn't teach, but we spent time with lessons and cleaning. I caught up on a few things, and did some final prep work for a class tomorrow. My laundry is completely behind, and I'm realizing I need a new schedule -- one that will probably have me doing multiple loads 1-2 days / week instead of daily loads. I did get a few loads done today, though, and should be caught back up again by Easter.
Tomorrow I teach a 1/2 day, while the boys attend their enrichment program. I'll drive home from class, pick up L, spend an hour at home before heading out to pick up the boys. That's probably my day . . . well, except for a few other things (of course!)
Thursday I'm home again, but we have the exciting Disney on Ice show that night. (stay tuned for pictures!) We've been invited to a "behind the scenes" party and I can't wait to see L as she meets a full-size princess (she's princess-crazed.)
Friday . . . Friday . . . Friday? Oh! We'll decorate Easter eggs! And hopefully do some other fun Easter crafty thing.
Saturday we'll attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt at a local city park. We've been going since 2003? maybe 2002? The boys love it, and I imagine L will have a hoot this year, too. They have a pancake breakfast, egg hunts in the field, lots of simple, carnival-type games and sometimes a pony to ride. It's small-town fun.
And, then Sunday is Easter. The Easter Bunny always hides eggs in our yard (and I have to figure out what to do with this dog overnight . . . she devours everything she finds . . . including 2 pairs of L's shoes this week alone!) And then baskets in the house. We'll attend mass, and enjoy a nice dinner (which I still need to shop for. Oh, and I still need to shop for basket goodies as well.)
There will be more lessons in there, more laundry, more class preparation (another new class next week -- one I'm developing from scratch!). It seems that time is just flying by and I worry that we're not enjoying, or noticing, or appreciating enough these days. I haven't taken many photographs lately . . . and the ones I have taken are held hostage on a hard drive. I feel that I need to carve out more time for more things . . . but I'm not sure what needs to be cut or reduced. More thoughts for another day!
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