
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kellogg's Plant a Seed Program

Sports are important in our family. Throughout the year, my boys play baseball, flag football and soccer. (In fact, N just started soccer season!) I feel very grateful that we live near a city that has affordable and fun leagues for my boys to join. They learn about playing on a team, sportsmanship, and the rules of the game.

Mom Central asked if I would write about Kellogg's "Plant a Seed" program where individuals from around the country can nominate their local outdoor fields for repair and/or renovation. This program will renovate 50 fields this year! You can visit the website to nominate a local field, vote on fields, and watch the fields get renovated.

Watch for their ad during Sunday's Superbowl and visit the site to nominate a field in your area. Kids need outdoor sports and they need decent fields to play on. Help more kids enjoy the thrill of outdoor games by nominating your field today.

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