
Thursday, December 04, 2008

start for Advent

I got the Advent wreath out and set up in time for the first Sunday -- which I think was good! I found the box of Advent / Christmas / Winter / Holiday books before Sunday as well. I didn't wrap them this year, but at least I found them and we've been reading a few each day.

It only took me until the 3rd to put together the Playmobil Advent Calendar . . . but we still haven't opened any of the boxes because I haven't figured out a safe place to put the pieces (ie someplace where L won't eat them.) Hopefully tomorrow!

Today we put out our Little People Nativity.

The kids started their Advent lapbooks earlier this week and are having fun. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but will in the next few days.

I'm done with my Christmas shopping. Now I need to wrap everything so I'm not doing it on Christmas Eve (which makes me crabby.)

The kids and I all have a terrible cold. So terrible that it kept L (and me) up ALL night last night. I don't know how she managed to stay awake the entire night, but she did. I'm just glad it wasn't over Thanksgiving, and now we should be healthy for Christmas.

I have some deadlines to meet in the next few days, a party to attend Saturday night, a new class to prepare for, and a Christmas dinner menu to decide. We don't have a tree up yet, but we usually do that about 2 weeks before Christmas -- so probably next weekend.

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