I'm posting about my day again because my hope is that in 6 months or a year I can read this and say "Oh, it's so much easier now!"
I had an assignment to teach at a new site today. The class ran from 8 - 5. I like to be there at least 30 minutes early, so that meant I had to leave my house by 6:40. DH had his weekly sales meeting that required him to be at his office by 9:30.
Last night, I wrote out the boys' assignments, packed their schoolbooks into their backpacks, packed L's diaper bag, packed my bag, printed out directions to the site, packed a cooler with snacks and lunches for the kids, filled a thermos with milk for L, packed my lunch. I set out L's clothes, told the boys to set out their clothes, and I set out my clothes.
Since DH could be at work later, he was going to drop the kids off at the sitter's house. We have only one car seat for L, which makes sense because our pickup doesn't have a back seat and only seats 3. DH had to move his samples and things into the van so I could drive the truck to my class.
I left this morning right on time, proceeded to struggle finding a place to park, and even though I was in the vicinity by 7:20, wasn't able to enter the building until 7:40. Not really a big deal, but I do like at least 30 minutes to make sure everything is set up correctly. Thankfully, it mostly was and class went well.
We didn't know what sales calls DH would have, and wouldn't know until after noon. We hoped he would be able to pick up the kids, since I couldn't (not having enough seats.) Somehow, it worked out that he was able to pick them up late afternoon, I got home later, and then he headed out for a 7PM sales call.
After I got home, normal stuff happened -- made dinner, did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, reviewed the boys' schoolwork, etc. I teach a 1/2 day on Thursday, and I want to get caught up on housecleaning tomorrow. I was also able to finish some writing assignments this evening after the kids were in bed.
And, now, I'm off to bed myself!
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