
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

C is almost 8, and N is 6 1/2. This is the first year they haven't either matched, or followed a theme for Halloween. I'm feeling bittersweet about it -- proud of them for speaking their minds and choosing their costumes, but missing the cuteness of matching costumes! (C is Luke Skywalker, N is a Power Ranger.)

When they were tiny, they were both pumpkins one year. So cute! One year N dressed up as a doctor and C as a skeleton. Another year they were both St. George. And last year, C was Peter Pan, N was Captain Hook and L was Tinkerbell.

I haven't decided if I will even dress L up tomorrow night. Her Tinkerbell costume should fit again this year, or I think I have the pumpkin outfit in the closet. Hopefully DH won't have any evening calls so he can walk them around the neighborhood while I hand out candy.

I let the boys choose the candy we'd give out this year. They chose Airheads and Sour Patch Kids. I don't know if I really gave birth to these kids or not. LOL!

I never really liked Halloween. I was always scared as a kid when people dressed up creepy or their houses were creepy. The candy was nice, but candy was never in short supply for me -- my great aunts always had candy for me, and my maternal grandparents had an entire drawer full of candy for the grandkids. I'm not a prankster, so that was never an appeal. I'm just ambivalent -- but my boys enjoy the holiday, so I do what I can to make it special for them.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Your kids look fabulous in their Halloween dress!

  2. I remember feeling sad the last year my son let me pick out his Halloween costume for him. He was "Tickle Me Elmo" but kept asking if he could carry a sword with his costume! Ha, ha, ha!
